4000+ Curated Game Tracks!
Hand-picked tracks from retro to modern games. Feedback? Reach me at:
This station was made as hobby to have my personal tracks on the go.
(I have no control over ads. I make no money from this). Yes, the randomizer is terrible.
Jetzt läuft
Peaceful Underground Lake von Kenji Ito, Masaharu Iwata, Takayuki Aihara
Weiter geht's in der Sendung All Tracks (Default) mit Mutsuhiko Izumi, Tsutomu Ogura, Charles Deenen und Sega Digital Studio
bis 01:00 Uhr
- Chill Penguin von Setsuo Yamamoto, Makoto Tomozawa, Yuki Iwai, Yuko Takehara, Toshihiko Horiyama
- Exotic country road von Hiroyuki Iwatsuki/Kinuyo Yamashita
- Intro von Joris de Man
- Big Apple, 3 A.M. von Kazuhiko Uehara, Harumi Ueko
- Staff Roll Short von Jun Funahashi, Masae Nakashima, Satoko Minami
- Mechanical Rhythm von Yoko Shimomura/Yasunori Mitsuda/Manami Kiyota/ACE+
- Revolt (Thunder) von Masaharu Iwata/Hitoshi Sakimoto
- Master Hand von Akihiko Ishikawa
- Temple of Rain von Rom Di Prisco, Peter Chapman