Blues Music in all styles, with a pinch of Soul and Rock.
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Mr. Pitiful von Ben Poole
Weiter geht's in der Sendung SHUFFLE PLAYLIST - Blues around the clock! mit Ray Charles, Bnois King/The Smokin' Joe Kubek Band und Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats
bis 01:00 Uhr
- I Can't Stand A Woman Cryin' von Stef Rosen, The Fuzznotes
- Boogie Woogie Country Girl von Matchbox Bluesband
- Just Lookin' von Keb Mo
- Comeback Baby von Barrelhouse
- 3 Flies On An Empty Plate von Blues Company
- Going Down South von The Too Bad Jims
- Buckwheat Cakes von Moeller Bros
- Come on in This House von The Bluesanovas
- Afraid Of My Own Tears von Monster Mike Welch