IDM, Glitch, Abstract, Broken Beat, Dubstep, Ambient & more. WARNING! Please do not listen to this radio station, if you only support commercial music. ___________________ Have the time and focus to search out underground music. _____________ This station is for electronic music lovers. Music keeps us alive.
Ambient, Electronica, Experimental, Modern Classical & Techno. All Music by Anechoic Chamber Music, an Artist from Austria. 280 Albums and EP's are waiting to be released. I try to offer new Music every week.
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Breaking the Mainstream. Von Aphex Twin bis Metallica, von hypnotischen Klängen bis kraftvollen Riffs – hier erleben Musikliebhaber die Vielfalt abseits des Mainstreams.
Schizophrenic Grooves for the Obscure Minded. Frische Elektronik für's Kopfkino, komplexes Geschrammel, Kuriositäten vergangener Tage, Extraordinäres und Raritäten.