Die deutsch englische Rock Alternative. Dein rockiges Zuhörradio: 2552x Alterna Indie Rock Musik englisch und deutsch.
Hannover / Liverpool
Songs That Save Your Life. The World Won't Listen aims to showcase songs created during or influenced by the music culture between 1963 and 1998, when music was rooted in a desire to create art. We want to help preserve this unique era and encourage listeners to explore further.
dark-MYTHOS steht für romantische Musik aus Gothic, Dark, EBM von heute bis zurück in die dunkle Zeit der Musik.The New Wave Gothic Radio – EBM and ElectronicFaszinierende romantische Klänge – mit und ohne Geschwindigkeit.
Alternative. Konsolenmusik.
Ulm, Berlin
Das Beste aus Indie-Pop, Indie-Rock und Indie-Electro! Bei uns hört ihr die besten Indie Songs nonstop.
alternative classics & the best new music. Indie und Alternative von gestern und heute. Alles ausser Mainstream.
Modern Times Sounds. 24/7 Indie, Metal, Electronic, Alternative.
Osnabrück & Hannover
Indie, Alternative, Punk, New Wave, Britpop. The Best in Indie, Alternative, Punk, New Wave and Britpop - from the classics of the 70's to the latest inside tips. Song request: Visit our website. It's great.
Berlin | Leipzig | Halle
Listen to A-motion and take some time for yourself. Listen to the sounds of extraordinary film music, instrumental, ambient, downtempo indie rock and rock ballads. Background music brought into focus for you to enjoy.
Musikradio für coole Leute. Indie- und Pop-Classics. 90s & 2000s. Nonstop Musikprogramm.